5-Day holistic & intensive
breathwork, meditation & yoga retreat
in Sri Lanka

A Mental & Emotional Reconditioning Journey.

Do you have the call for a change?

Would you like to let go of all patterns holding you back from living the life you want?

In this five-day intensive breathwork retreat, we provide a safe space to give you the opportunity to face your emotions and feelings that you may have avoided your whole life.

Upcoming retreats:
Click here to see all dates and locations

Green Peace Inn - Yoga | Health | Retreats
Weligama, Sri Lanka

We will teach you different breathwork, yoga and meditation styles to help you to let go of these stored emotions. They will help you as well to reconnect with your real power! You will take back 100% responsibility for your own life and meet your true self – the first step to a happy and self-determined life.

We will practice daily breathwork, yoga, meditation, mantras, journaling, and affirmations to deepen the healing process in ourselves.

Massages, healthy plant-based food, and an amazingly supportive group will help you to let go even more.

Your breath will be your guide through this journey!

Discover yourself in the miraculous south of Sri Lanka. This island is a magical place with beautiful green nature to find inner peace, strengthen your body with yoga, and to clear your mind and body with breathwork. Sri Lanka is the home of Ayurveda, one of the oldest healing systems that believes wellness depends on a balance between mind, body and spirit. We build up the balance throughout the week to give you the space which you need to develop..

Daily Schedule

7.00 – 8.15 am Wake-Up Yoga
75 min Hatha/Vinyasa/Synergy yoga based on the theme specific to that day

8.15 am Tea Break

8.30 – 11.15 am Group Breathwork Session
2hr Conscious Connected Breathing based on the chakra theme specific to that day.

11.15 am Healthy Plant-Based Brunch

12.00 pm Free time/Talks/Massages/Treatments/Workshops
During the afternoon, you can get Ayurvedic massages or treatments, have guided group talks,  relax on the beach, discover the south of Sri Lanka or just relax and read a book.

3.00 pm Fruit Platter (optional)

5.00 – 6.30 pm Sunset Yin Yoga
90 min based on the chakra theme specific to that day with a long, deep relaxation in the end.

7.00 – 8.15 pm Healthy Plant-Based Dinner

8.30 – 9.15 pm Meditation

Note: The retreat starts with a welcome drink and snack at 3.00 pm on the day of arrival and ends after brunch at 1.00 pm on the last day.

Package Includes

4 Wake-up Hatha/Vinyasa
Yoga classes (75 min)
3 Sunset Yin-Yoga classes (90 min)
1 Sunset Yoga basic class

1 Ayurvedic massage (60 min)

3 Breathwork Sessions
with exercises (150 min)
1 Mandala Breathwork Sessions

4 healthy plant-based brunch
4 healthy plant-based dinners
4 healthy plant-based desserts

4 Guided meditations
1 Active kundalini meditation

Afternoon fruit plates
Welcome drink
Unlimited drinking water & organic tea

Writing assignments
Workshops, talks & specials

4 nights in shared twin room or private room
at Green Peace Inn

Rooms & Prices

Shared Deluxe Room with AC

950 EUR p.p.*

Shared Superior Room
with Sea View & AC

1050 EUR p.p.*

Private Deluxe Room
with Sea View & AC

1500 EUR p.p.*

We also have simple private rooms with only a Fan (no AC) and a garden view on request for 1050 EUR.
Please get in touch with us if you need this retreat and would like to attend but cannot pay the total listed price. We will find a solution.

*All rooms have a private bathroom. Airfares, visas, and airport pickup/drop off are not included.

What People Are Saying

“I booked a retreat with Husma to slow down and escape my ordinary life for a few days but what I experienced was beyond my expectations. There is no right word to explain and review the retreat which was for me a lifetime experience that I would do without hesitating.

The retreat brought back to me the right dose of consciousness to move forward in my life with more peace, love and energy. I feel more enlightened and conscious than ever after a week at Green Peace Inn.

A true shot of energy, peace and wisdom.”

— Emilie Bénéteau

“I have just finished the 8 day intensive retreat and it was an incredible journey. Far more than I expected. The facilitators, Alex and Martina, are two incredibly special people who share their gifts. They are backed by loving staff who make this retreat even more special.

The course is beautifully designed and managed.

I can absolutely recommend this retreat. Simply incredible”

— Darren Evans

“After a stressful few years of existence I needed to find some help to get my life back on track. I had never heard of breathwork before, so had zero expectations of what was in store for me.

It is difficult to explain exactly what happened at the retreat - several activities, discussions, meals and newly forged friendships contributed to the overall experience - but the outcome is beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I was able to address and make peace with multiple things that have been causing me distress for some time.

I would recommend a Husma Breathwork retreat to anybody looking to feel better in themselves.”

— Lucy Selcott

“Martina and Alex were amazing facilitators during intense sessions, and all classes came with a lot of knowledge and grounded guidance.

I came out of the 8 days with a much deeper understanding of myself and what is holding me back, and at the same time I feel equipped with new practices and insights that will help me to overcome these limitations.

A massive thank you to Martina, Alex and the team for creating this space and for their love to every detail.”

— Kathrin Steinbeisser

“One of the most unique experiences of my life. It’s beneficial both physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.
There entire experience of isolation and yet not ever being alone as we meet people from various paths of life, ready to embrace each other without any judgements.

I would highly recommend to people from all ages and ethnicities to challenge yourself with this experience.

Surely intend to go for it again, soon.”

— Yasmeen Kazi

“You can rely on the husma team, they love their work, and are truly professional.

Program is pretty intense but you have time for the reflection. It helped me to look deep into myself, and with help of Martina and Alex this journey that often was about fear and frustration become full of love, self acceptance and strong belief in myself and my way. Another reason I love this place is food, it’s heaven!”

— Anna Iurtseva

Alexander Keil


Alexander Keil

My passion is to discover the power of the breath, emotions, mind, and anything our bodies consume. I spent more than 13 years practising meditation, which for me, is the foundation for almost everything.

I have completed several yoga teacher trainings with different teachers, and to deepen my knowledge of working with the breath and the body, I have completed the Breathwork Teacher Training at Alchemy of Breath with Anthony Abbagnano.

During the last years, I also studied with BioDynamic Breathwork (BBTRS), Wim Hof and Dan Brule.

From attending many retreats, workshops, and courses around the world, I am combining everything I learned and will be sharing from these traditions, which have been further developed through my own practice.

From November to April, I have managed my own breathwork retreat centre in Sri Lanka for the last six years, where I guide people through a life-changing process using breathwork, yoga, meditation, and healthy food.

By running my own web & IT company for over ten years, I also know the challenges of a busy and stressful life.

Martina Drechsel

Martina is pregnant and will only teach the retreats until September 2024. Isayaka (Jess) will be her replacement for all retreats from November 2024 till April 2025.
Isayaka was already teaching with us in 2017 and 2018.

Martina’s purpose in life is to share, support and give. Her intention is to empower people through breathwork and yoga so they can rise up and see their own purpose and truth. She is a 400hr Hatha yoga, 260hr Synergy yoga, and 100hr Yin yoga teacher. When she is teaching, she creates a safe and sacred space that her students can find stillness in thematic yoga sequences to reconnect with their body, mind, and soul, and feel the balance between strengthening and relaxation with breathing awareness. 

She invites her students into their own greatness, offering resources to manage daily life while having some fun along the way ;-). In 2017 she fell in love with breathwork and began to discover Conscious Connected Breathing in her teacher training with Alchemy of Breath. For Martina, breathwork is one of the powerful tools where she experienced a massive shift in herself and saw happen in others. She realised the breathwork practice brings awareness to our life and the decisions we make. Awareness is the first step in CHANGE.

Isayaka (Jess)

Isayaka is a student of life, a very experienced yoga teacher and a medicine Medicine Womban (Women) carrying cacao, kambo, mellipona, song and prayer in devotion to the good of all life. She shares the practice of embodied yoga from an intuitive place of deep personal study that has spanned 12 years of traditional Hatha yoga, Yin Yoga, meditation, Bhakti/devotion, vinyasa flow, womb yoga, traditional Chinese medicine, tantra, philosophy, free form movement, ecstatic dance, somatics, trauma release therapy, mind-body centring and somatic psychotherapy. She has a passion for movement & is grateful to her body as one of her greatest teachers in this life. She bows to all the teachers on her path, and believes you cannot repay a teacher in 10000 lives.

Her classes are carried by her love of music and through movement, music, poetry, imagination, sound and song, through which we can inner-stand so much of the mystery. She invites you to get lost and found and find new embodied pathways of relating to life through the practice. Moving with the cycles that weave us all, Isayaka embodies earthy wisdom and believes all things lead back to simple truths that the earth herself reveals to us when we move at her pace and listen with reverence. Her own business “Wild Medicina” is an outpouring of the teachings and practices that have supported her journey towards wholeness.

 Over the last 7 years Martina & Alex have held over 55 Retreats in Sri Lanka and several workshops throughout Europe. Their mission is to share the power of the breath to create awareness for ourselves and others.

Do you have any questions or would like to book? Click on the booking enquiries below.